Eileen has written her version of Fairy Kingdom history. Only a few leather bound copies were produced and these are all kept in the Palace Library. The only reason they’ve not been destroyed is Eileen would create merry hell if they were. People are allowed to read Eileen’s works though they have to state who they are when asking for the books. This puts people off. Eileen herself wants this practice stopped pointing out with monotonous regularity (Queen’s viewpoint) the bullying nature of this. The Queen has done what she usually does with anything she dislikes - ignore it!
Official Kingdom history....
The official version of Kingdom history is that the Chief Witch’s family were responsible for all the warmongering and damage done to lives, land and property throughout the centuries. The Witch’s family always argued they were treated shabbily by the royals, especially by Gwendolyn, and had to defend themselves against fairy royal aggression. Naturally there are faults on both sides but what shocked many, including the current Queen, is that Eileen had a great deal of sympathy with the Witch, acknowledged the royals had their faults and that at least some of the violence of the past could and should have been avoided. Eileen is very much the renegade here and Brankaresh tried to use her sympathy for the Witch against her, to no avail much to his frustration.
Early Kingdom history....
Early Kingdom history was easier to follow. Someone started a war, usually a witch with ambition, and the fairy royals heroically stopped it. There is also a lot of snobbery between witches and fairies - both despise the other, both don’t like backing down or admitting they’ve got it wrong. All the right ingredients for war on a regular basis. Eileen despises this and blames both sides equally. The Queen feels Eileen is far too critical of the royal side and not critical enough of the witches’ side. Eileen is not surprised. She sees it as her role to criticize the fairy monarchy when it needs it and she will not be silenced.