There is long term rivalry between pixies and imps no amount of kindly talk from the Queen or threats from the Council will remove. Sprite communities recognize having some of their leaders hauled in and punished from time to time is part of their culture, to the despair of the Queen who doesn’t really want to use brutal magical spells on them to make them behave despite knowing the realm would back her doing so. Moaning in the Kingdom is an art form, much to the sprites’ disgust as it nearly always is all about them!
Stanrock and Whespy (later Stan and Wes) are the mischievous sprites’ sprites. There are very few practical jokes they have not carried out and for a long time this was the nearest they got to any kind of hobby. They also spent lot of time fighting - other sprites, anybody else annoying them and, most of all, each other. Stan is a good cook and carries on with this when he’s on earth. Wes develops courage and bravery but hasn’t really taken to any hobby. If he can get his act together with Isabel, maybe that would be something she could encourage.
Isabel would know better than to try to improve his mind (you have to work with the material you’ve got!) but I can see her encouraging him to read (even if it is graphic comics and novels, they would not count as proper literature in her eyes but she’d be too glad he read anything she’d overlook it - this is one view not shared by me. Graphic novels, when well done, are great). Both sprites might get into earth music when they’re there but they’d take to loud pop/rock. They did develop a taste for wildlife programmes, encouraged by Fresdian (Rose).