Spells are to be written out clearly. The Queen and her Council are organizing the translation of the ancient scrolls into modern Fairyish to try to prevent accidents that way. This project is likely to take several years as the Queen is not willing to use magic to speed the process up. She considers using magic near these scrolls is the equivalent of lighting a great big match and waving it around near the scrolls. Updates will be given on FNN as and when those spells useful to all are now in the correct new format. The ancient scrolls will not be thrown away but will be stored appropriately for such documents.
If anyone comes across a sword in marble, an ancient scroll or a suspiciously shiny gold ring, these items are to be handed in to the Queen and her Council at once. In the case of the ring, if there is any reason to suspect it is cursed, the finder is expected to locate the nearest good fairy/witch and ask them to put a protection spell on it to keep others away until the Queen can get to the location and deal with the problem. The Queen is not keen on people throwing themselves into volcanoes along with such cursed objects. She thinks it’s a waste.
Anyone caught producing dodgy magical items can expect to be punished severely. The Queen and her Council are currently discussing whether throwing such culprits into volcanoes (the usual cure for cursed items) should be applied in all circumstances or whether this should be saved for Dark Lords and their ilk. The Queen is deeply suspicous of Dark Lords as you could expect her to be given her position as they’re almost certainly after her job. The Queen does not accept producing cursed items is necessary research into what magic can do as an excuse. That policy is highly unlikely to change.
Those magical beings who can fly will treat the skies with as much consideration as those who are ground based should treat the soil beneath their feet (or other appropriate appendages). Just as there are highway codes for pedestrians and those using vehicles of many kinds, flyers are expected to give way, not clutter up the sky, to slow down in crowded areas and generally not to do anything to give magical flying a bad name. The Queen and her Council reserve the right to withdraw, possibly even destroy, magical flying equipment if it is found these have been abused. There is no right of appeal. Any bad flyers who crash and annoy pedestrians enough generally can be said that if said pedestrians make them suffer for it, they had this coming.