Almost all of the Kingdom’s internal wars have been effectively property disputes. Dwarves digging out mines in areas already occupied by the above ground species. Above ground species forcing the dwarves out (by killing those “stupid” enough to resist - kill enough dwarves and the rest get the message). Witches and wizards wanting to carve out greater areas for themselves and their allies have caused wars. And ultimately the fairies, especially the royals, in an attempt to restore any kind of order used much magical force to do so. Maybe the reason the magical species here despise humanity is they know that only magic is the thing that separates us. They like to consider themselves better than humans but they’re not.
Gwendolyn found the formality of her parents’ Court too much to bear and rather like our Edward VIII went well off the rails. She proudly claimed to be the monarch that made history, which was true, but forgot statements like this so often are not complimentary. What the realm really needs is a steady pair of hands on the tiller, not exciting Heads of State who stir everything up. And Gwendolyn found out the hard way that it is possible to have far too many enemies for comfort...
The biggest irony of the Kingdom’s history is the fact Gwendolyn started the Council system to help her govern the realm so she could travel to other universes and leave her duties behind her. Yet it was the Council who organized the dragon that was to destroy Gwendolyn (the Palace is supposed to be protected against evil creatures). Nor did they find Gwendolyn’s successor, her docile niece (Roxannadrell’s mother) quite as docile as they thought or unaware of exactly what had happened to her mother.
Graxia, Gwendolyn’s niece and Roxannadrell’s mother, was a complete contrast to her predecessor. This was because she had to be and she had no wish to face a dragon selected for her demise. Graxia delayed marriage, to her Council’s frustration as it left the succession unclear, until the Kingdom had recovered from the worse of the traumas inflicted on it by her aunt. Graxia saw this as her duty. Her Council wanted her to get on with breeding heirs quickly. But Graxia got her way here and when she was ready to wed had no opposition to her choice of husband as by then the Council were desperate to marry her off. She played her hand well, so unlike her late unlamented aunt.