Never try to acquire more magical powers than you can comfortably handle. It never ends well. You will not be the exception to the rule. Build ups of magical gifts/powers will always be treated with deep suspicion by the Queen and her Council. Once overthrown, never overthrown again. Chief Wizards are vulnerable to being suspected of everything from plotting against the fairy Crown to getting rid of apprentices who do their cleaning in a hurry by burying the body under the nearest convenient patio. Grand Viziers need not apply for posts with the Fairy Queen and her Council. Neither want Grand Viziers anywhere near them. The Queen is not sure why these always turn out to be villains, it’s enough for her that they do.
Speed is usually more important than power or magical ability. This is why the sprites have survived over the centuries despite persecution from most of the other magical groups. But that does not give sprites the excuse to use their speed as a weapon in and of itself. Any indication that this is happening and the sprite concerned will find his/her life expectancy severely reduced. The Queen and her Council expect all good magical beings to practice drawing wands, staffs, crystal balls etc as quickly as possible as often as possible. The Queen and her Council take a dim view of those who allow themselves to be beaten by those of an evil disposition here. Good is meant to overcome evil - always!
Wizards and witches need to accept that by virtue of their profession they will always be treated with suspicion. Those not actively on the side of evil will be treated decently and are welcome to work for the Queen and her Council but need to expect supervision and checks. The Queen and her Council know their first duty is to defend the realm from all threats - internal and external. They are also aware an awful lot of evil is done in the name of “protecting the state” but insist they will do what has to be done in as fair a manner as possible. Also these days those that are really unhappy can use FNN to put their side of the story. The Queen and Council will not deliberately block that. They always like to hear excuses!