FNN wants to get involved with these group meetings, filming them for documentaries but each and every group has turned them down flat, partly as they don’t want to risk ridicule for some of their most peculiar customs (every group has at least one) and mainly they don’t feel Roherum will take the meetings seriously enough. They’re almost certainly right to worry about that.
Notice has to be given of when and where meetings take place so other groups in the vicinity can make sure they’re well out of the way. It makes for a quieter life….
Villages run themselves and resent interference by (a) other villages and (b) the Council. There is rivalry when it comes to staging royal visits. All villages want their visit to be the best yet. In the height of the summer season, it has been known for the Queen to have trouble walking through a village thanks to the number of blooms on display. It is as well as she’s not a hayfever sufferer!
Most village folk are kind and hardworking but prejudices run deep (it has taken Wes continually risking his life to help the Queen to make the slightest dent in prejudices against him). The royals have taken centuries to get the rival groups to stop fighting and live side by side in peace, even if they then have not much to do with each other. Eileen has a great deal of time for village folk and along with Hanastrew these are the beings she misses the most from her Kingdom days.