Far less advertising – the Queen has recently written to the Directors of the Fairy News Network urging them to get back to focusing on news rather than advertising other programmes coming on later. Every fairyvision set has a TV guide on it so it’s not as if people can’t check future programming for themselves. FNN have not yet replied though the gossip is that when they do it will be an object lesson in how to grovel to your monarch.
Sprites to finally realize that challenging a fairy, witch or wizard is unlikely to end well for the sprite. This would lead to a colossial drop in the number of riots the Kingdom suffers. Proper magical etiquette to be followed at all times.
The fairy squad bringing order to those realms that need it, including Earth. The Queen and her Council feel that one or two encounters with Hanastrew and her crew would bring most beings into line. Hanastrew herself would relish the challenge.
Displays of courage in all of its various species and the higher echelons not to look askance at those lower than themselves. The Queen and her Council have spent a great deal of time, magic and effort in bringing people together – and they don’t want to see any of these efforts go to waste.