FNN have produced many in depth programmes looking at the realm’s past but very much told from the official point of view. These programmes are used in schools and are compulsory viewing for all pupils, regardless of species. Eileen’s books are referred to in these programmes as they are a source of raw material but they are referred to in as brief a manner as possible and are only mentioned at all because Eileen wrote them (there would be repercussions from the Great Lady if she wasn’t credited, she’d make sure of that!).
Each region keeps its own official records and the Regional Mayor (elected from the mayors of all the towns and villages within the region) is in overall charge of these. They are always well guarded. Flames are allowed nowhere near the mini-libraries in which these are kept. And the regional records tally with those kept at the Palace (not that this comes as a surprise. While Roxannadrell is not a tyrant, unlike many of her ancestors, it still pays not to get the wrong side of her. Rebellion can be left to the expert - Eileen).
History, once written down, is not allowed to be altered by law. Revisionism is treated like a notifiable contagious disease here. It is possible to ask questions about the official line, Eileen has, but these are few and far between. Most Kingdom writers prefer to give their take on the realm’s most famous historical characters. Everyone criticizes Gwendolyn. Nobody criticizes (in print) Roxannadrell. Eileen’s verbal outbursts are ignored. The Queen’s Librarian is expected to be shown manuscripts before they are published though Eileen defied this and nothing was said, almost certainly due to her royal status.
FNN’s founders visited Earth on the quiet because they wanted to develop a news broadcasting system and wanted to see how humans did it, so“lifted” the television system we have and renamed it fairyvision. When it comes to spells the fairy realm can be inventive. Pinching ideas and renaming them seems to drain imaginative processes here. When the realm “pinched” journalism, they renamed it journalling. When it pinched cameras, they renamed them camesar. FNN’s founders, who have gone to a great deal of trouble to keep their identity quiet, on setting up a broadcasting system discovered the public loved it, which meant Gwendolyn had no choice but to accept it. She was at that stage fighting to get yet another human paramour accepted and couldn’t afford to fight too many battles at the same time so FNN got on to the air with barely a murmur of protest. And the Council at the time thought it might help them to rein the Queen in by allowing open criticism. It hasn’t quite worked that way. Nobody anticipated Roherum’s avuncular style of broadcasting. No incisive questioning here but the public love him so his role is safe for now.