Never lend out any of your magical equipment, spell books and so on as it is a racing certainty that
(a) you won’t get these things back and
(b) you’ll inevitably lend them out to the “wrong” people.
“Wrong” as in totally evil beings who merely wish to disarm you the easy way,
If you find an object lying around – say a sword in a block of marble – don’t touch it.
It’s almost certainly meant for somebody else. Unless you really are Arthur Pendragon and let’s face it
the odds are against that scenario. Also look out for those who leave objects around.
They are either careless or setting a trap and you don’t want to get caught out by either of those scenarios, do you?
Always find out who runs a place before you visit it yet alone consider it as a place of sanctuary if the Ringwraiths
are after you. Look out for those in debt, those with known weaknesses and those of dodgy character
as these are the ones who will betray. Make friends, not enemies.
Make sure you know where your food and drink comes from. Ideally take enough of your own to see you through.
Always have the latest edition of the map on your person. Never leave it in a rucksack.
These things have a nasty habit of going missing – and sometimes the person carrying the rucksack does too.