As for fiction writing, well we need more than three words for that but you could look at three word catchphrases for your characters. Catchphrases have to be memorable to work, also you need not to get tired of them (and that's even more true for your reader!), and so are best kept short to help achieve those points.
If your characters were limited to three words as their pet phrase, what would they be and why? (I suspect the most famous one here would be I'll Be Back from The Terminator). But what would you choose for your creations?
Would your pet phrase match your character? That is, if they're a feisty character, would their phrase reflect that? Or would they downplay that side of things a bit (especially if they wanted to put off an enemy)? Would they be sarcastic or would their phrase be a cover for what they are really like?
Food for thought, I hope. The important point is to know who your characters are, how they would speak and sound (to a reader) and, if a catchphrase would be appropriate for your characters, to choose one that fits them well.
Image Credit: As ever, Pixabay.