Brankaresh was the latest Chief Wizard to abuse his position and influence. There were many before him (though in the early days they tended to be known as Grand Viziers). The Queen is at a loss as to why the position itself seems to do this. After all her position is more powerful and it hasn’t corrupted her (though Eileen would argue it had because the Queen, especially after her brief overthrow, increasingly does whatever it takes to get what she wants). So the Queen and her realm would like to see less evil wizards or at least the incumbent of the official position not to be corrupted by that position. The Queen does not think it is much to ask. After all the Chief Wizard is well rewarded in money and magical gift terms.
Less destruction, less vile monsters (the Kingdom does have its fair share of monsters that aren’t vile, they’re generally shy, well meaning but phenomenally ugly) and for an end to anybody coveting the Fairy Kingdom throne. The Queen particularly is fed up with that. And Eileen would like to be less taken for granted!
All magical species studying their relevant spell books and putting in the required amount of spell practice regularly. The sprites know this comment is mainly aimed at them and it is to be hoped the sprite leaders will hammer the message home to their people that the Queen and her Council will punish those who don’t put in the required efforts to keep magical standards high!
Generally the populace agrees with the Queen that their darling, Eileen, should be back in the Kingdom (much to Eileen’s disgust, she does feel they owe her some chance to have a life of her own). They don’t agree with the monarch’s idea to take in the daughter as well! Eileen and Jennifer are united in their wish not to go to the magical realm and the latter is proving more obstinate than the fairy monarch anticipated. The two women are expecting more attempts to be made to get them to the fairy world and so are on their guard.