No more cheating by sprites at community sporting events, when for millennia it has been laid down by law that magic is not allowed to be used. The Queen’s recent idea of coating the next offender in treacle and hanging them out to dry has gone down well with every Kingdom community bar one. But then the sprites have always liked having a laugh. This does not mean they like others having a laugh.
No more threats to its existence from external forces (though the realm refuses to acknowledge that some of the worlds it has been at war with feel the same way about them). Successive governments have invested a huge amount of magical energy in defence systems around the dimension barriers and much power is needed to keep these running. The Queen would very much like to go “green” and reduce the amount of power being continuously emitted by these systems but does not dare do so. Aside from the risk of someone taking advantage of this reduction, she knows public reaction would be hostile and it isn’t worth her while.
The best, highest standards to be applied in all Kingdom educational establishments. The Queen wants accidents due to misreading calligraphy on ancient scrolls to be a thing of the past. Most of the schools are happy to co-operate though those based around sprite settlements are being more awkward. This does not come as a surprise. She has issued a warning saying those places that do not co-operate will be shut down, forcibly if necessary.
The Queen’s Council copying their monarch’s example and going out to meet the people they’re meant to be representing. Certain Council members do – the late Rodish is missed for this – but the majority do not. The people are more observant than politicians usually give them credit for. On the plus side, the Queen can take some comfort from the fact that the fairy monarchy probably is fairly safe from the threat of being replaced with a republican system.