The sprite communities are not happy at the idea of being seconded to clear up magically barren ideas and claim they are being picked on. They’re right of course. They forgot one of the first rules of magic is that if you can pick on a weaker magical species and make them do your dirty work for you, then that’s precisely what you do. And it’s not as if the sprites aren’t used to being picked on. They also know every other magical species will be in broad agreement with the Queen’s policy here. (The Queen privately hopes that all this will led to the sprites giving up their mayhem).
It is the Queen’s wish that snobbery should not take precedence over genuine magical talent in her realm. Nobody from a “ lower” background is to be held back due to that if their magical ability is exceptional. The Queen notes that it is a common feature of our most loved fairy tales that the lowly lad or lass becomes the triumphant hero or heroine so the lowly born are not to be looked down on. The Queen and her Council are aware this law will apply mainly to those elves who consider themselves better than anyone else, including the monarch. The Queen does not approve of this.
The Queen, much to the horror of her Council and Roherum (who likes snobby gossip as much as the next journalist), plans to open up the Palace gardens for two annual parties. One will be in the spring, the other during that wonderful warm start to the autumn season. The Queen plans to invite representatives from all groups but wants it known here and now that the very best behaviour will be expected and anything less than that will not be tolerated. The Queen is hoping that in the thrill of being invited, the sprite communities will not let themselves down. There is, for example, to be no throwing of bread rolls or any of that nonsense.
The Queen only has the one birthday which the Council encourage the realm to celebrate by offering free picnics created out of magic. Whilst it is felt fresh food is better than magically created consumables, nobody turns this offer from the Council down. So most enjoy a picnic at the Council’s expense, many see it as getting back some of what they put into the system in the first place. She refuses to interfere with the weather on her big day (and generally dislikes doing this given she feels weather is God’s department and she has no wish to encroach). Most years have been excellent with only an odd couple being rained off.