For all known worlds to stop assuming fairies are twee and sweet. Many fairies are very efficient killers in fact.
Unless writing for the very young, fairy tales should not be dumbed down. And the original tales should be introduced to children when they are at a suitable age. Yes a lot of tales are gruesome but there are life lessons in them. The Kingdom takes its collective hats off to the Shrek series on Earth, a welcome addition to the fairy tale canon.
Writers of fairytales to be encouraged (as long as they respect the genre and their work makes that clear).
Spells and charms to be written clearly. The Queen is on a long term campaign to get rid of poorly written calligraphy scripts given the dreadful rise in magical accidents due to misreading the charms.
Magical creatures to be treated with respect if they’re harmless. Those that aren’t the Queen and her Council considers fair game, especially dragons. If they don’t want to be an endangered species, they won’t endanger others!
Magic shows banned, especially the ones shown on Earth. The Queen and her Council considers this brings the proper use of magic, for healing ane helping, into disrepute. Nor do they understand why anything has to come out of a top hat, yet alone the unfortunate white rabbit. These shows are tacky and don’t give a true picture of magic, how it is practiced and its benefits.