American Pie by Don McLean. The Queen's Head Cook would assume this was a recipe. The various giants living amongst the wilder parts of the Fairy Kingdom, hazarding a guess at the pie filling, would wonder why other Earth nations weren't offering their citizens up as ingredients for a handy snack.
Hurt by Johnny Cash. What Eileen did to others in her fighting fairy godmother days. What Hanastrew is doing now.
Top of the World by the Carpenters. As long as the residents of Earth apply this to their own world only and don't try to get on top of the Fairy Kingdom, the majority of the magical population don't care what the residents of Earth get up to. They just want to be left alone.
Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney and Wings. The fairy squad's anthem, handpicked for them by Eileen (who privately thinks the title applies to the Queen too).
Accidents Will Happen by Elvis Costello. The title is so true and Hanastrew and the fairy squad are very good at arranging little accidents for those worthy of them. But then then did have Eileen as teacher and mentor so this shouldn't really come as a surprise.