The challenge for any writer, whether they're writing novels or story collections, is to ensure their book could be classed as "good". Allowing for differences in taste I think what writers need to achieve with their writing can be summarised as:-
- Believable characters.
- Characters we can identify with.
- A plot with twists and turns to keep a reader guessing.
- The story has to have a "got to find out what happens next" element to it. Without that, the whole thing falls down. This element, for me, works best when the characters are so gripping, I've got to find out what happens to them. I don't need to like them. I just need to want to find out what happens to them. Sometimes it can be to follow a horrible character and experience great glee as they get their comeuppance at the end of the story!
- An easy to read style. I've got to enjoy the way the prose flows. Easy to read takes time to get right and I learned a long time ago that whenever someone makes writing look easy, that same someone has worked for years to get to that point.
Good luck with your own writing! And whoever said writing is easy has never done any...!
Image credit: All images in the slideshow are via Pixabay.