Every Kingdom settlement must make sensible traffic rules depending on how large it is and the volume of magical and other vehicles resident in it or passing through. Every settlement will take a survey once a year and send traffic flow results to the Palace. The Council will arrange inspection teams to ensure each settlement has the appropriate traffic control measures as it is appreciated those more remote places will not need so many controls in place as the more populated towns. Also these surveys and requirements will be updated according to need.
The Queen and her Council intend to give the realm one more year in which to sort out its traffic congestion problems. Else they will appoint Hanastrew to set up a fairy traffic policing squad with powers to magically punish those breaking the laws. It is hoped given Hanastrew’s fearsome reputation when dealing with trouble makers that common sense will prevail, all settlements will tackle the traffic issue sensibly so there is no need to appoint Hanastrew to this post. Hanastrew would not be sorry to be spared having to do this job. She tends not to obliterate people who spare her work. The realm would do well to remember that.
One of the few things Eileen would enjoy if she returned to the Fairy Kingdom on a long term basis would be the sight of Hanastrew bringing in traffic control. Hanastrew is known for her firm death grip as well as deadly accuracy with her wand and Eileen would be quite happy to take a private bet with Wes as to just how many offenders Hanastrew would take out in one week. Wes has been heard to mutter that it would take care of the overcrowding problems in certain parts of the Kingdom (he hasn’t said it out loud given sprites reproduce recklessly and he can guess what reply he’d get).
It is expected from every Kingdom town and village a mini Council will be formed from the most respectable beings living there to keep order on the Queen’s behalf. Sprites should be warned this does mean if they step out of line the monarch and her Council expect the locals affected by the sprites’ bad behaviour to take the appropriate actions to put the problem right and/or to punish the culprits. As long as people don’t die, the Queen and her Council will grant a considerable degree of flexibility to the local mini Councils in deciding what “appropriate” means. Sprites should appreciate this does not mean good news for them. They could, of course, behave themselves and get round this regulation altogether