Make yourself useful in whichever village you end up in as nobody wants to get rid of beings like that.
The person who puts the rubbish out is less likely to be a target for killing than members of Her Majesty’s Council.
Humility, a good manner and hard work go a long way here. They extend life expectancy too.
Always have a decent spell book on you (appropriate for your species of course as a sprite carrying a witch book
can expect a nasty and sudden death if a real witch catches him doing so) and have emergency spells stored
in your memory and wand so you can use them quickly. Speed is vital here.
As in Earth’s Wild West you do have to be quick on the draw.
When you come across a map that says “Here Be Dragons”, take it seriously.
Kingdom cartographers do not write these things on their wares without good cause.
And if you can carry a portable fire extinguisher with you when out on your travels, just in case, this is always a good idea.
If you want to be a Kingdom cartographer, make sure you’re a powerful wizard, witch or fairy godmother first
as you will need magical powers to (a) get through the wildernesses and (b) survive what lives in said wildernesses.
Ensure you have fire proof, water proof, bomb proof drawing materials and pens as it is tough out there.
Don’t trespass on marked property. Intruders aren’t welcome!
Explorers don’t tend to get a warm welcome here as they are considered an upmarket form of a nosey parker.
So if you are an alien who likes visiting other worlds, keep it quiet. Blend in for a while, then disappear later.
You’re more likely to get out alive if you do that.
If someone doesn’t kill you directly, that same someone will find another magical being who will.