Humans to stop polluting their planet, fighting and generally being beastly.
Other magical worlds to stop trying to rob the Fairy Kingdom of its inherent magical powers.
More beings believing in fairytales (in particular the morality behind most of them.
More people reading especially fairytales.
Less cynicism about the possibility of other worlds and a willingness to accept that other life, some of it more intelligent than humans, is out there.
A determination not to colonize any other worlds found.
Magic used responsibly by all magical groups and for sprites to stop fighting.
No more over ambitious wizards. No good ever comes of it.
No more witches pretending to be old apple sellers. It lacks dignity.
No more greedy kids thinking it’s all right to eat an old woman’s house just because it’s made out of gingerbread.
No more gingerbread houses. It only causes trouble.