The unity that binds the realm together when it is faced with the threat of alien invasion to continue once that threat has been eliminated. The Queen and her Council see no reason why it shouldn’t continue given they have no problem with the existence of witches and wizards as long as they don’t plot against the fairy government.
Magical beings not to be ill treated by anyone and for such beings not to ill treat each other. An end to the snobbery that gets in the way of lower magical ranks assisting the Queen (after all she needs all kinds of services to help her run the Kingdom well). For fairy stories to be treasured properly… For illustrators to be well rewarded for their wonderful works.
All cursed magical objects destroyed in a safe manner. There are, after all, only so many active volcanoes to go round. And usually when a dodgy ring turns up, it has the knack of making sure it is nowhere near a convenient volcano. The Queen and her Council are throughly fed up with (a) having to send people on a dangerous quest as someone always dies before their time and (b) dodgy objects turning up with all the regularity of the ticking of a clock as they’d like to stop the manufacturers of such things once and for all.
Gardens properly appreciated regardless of their size. The Queen, though not fond of Earth, does admire humanity’s gardens. She likes the neatness of Japanese gardens, the wildlife gardens for improving conditions for various living creatures, and woodland gardens. In other circumstances she’d admire Eileen’s husband, Derek, who is a passionate gardener as Eileen would testify.