Magic needs to be used in the defence of the Kingdom from time to time. All species will make themselves available when the Queen and her Counciil issue their usual periodic guidelines so they can see for themelves that everybody has kept their skills peculiar to their bond and is usig them to the best of their indiviudal abilities. The Queen will turn up unannounced at every year’s sporting season and see for herself how well the species are doing here. She will make recommendations where necessary. The Council will go out to their respective areas of origin and do likewise. If things are considered to be slack, disciplinary action will be taken, severely if needed.
Magic is generally expected to be used for the greater good of the Kingdom as a whole. The Queen and Council will clamp down hard on those who abuse magical power. They undertake not to abuse it themselves. Given the Kingdom’s violent history it is expected this statement to be welcomed by most beings. Dragons and other magical creatures with potential for harm will find themselves the subjects of severe culling if they prove to be a menace. If they live quietly in the wilder regions, they will be left alone. Those magical beings exploring those wilder regions take their lives in their hands and should be aware of it. The Queen and Council will bear nor acknowledge any responsibility here. Nor do they approve of the recent human custom to sue everything and everybody not nailed down.
Minor magical species must not get in the way of the major practitioners. It’s generally not a good move healthwise. Also those species that live in areas where spell ingredients grow in abundance will enjoy the protection offered by the Queen and her Council as long as there is access granted to those legally entitled to gather such ingredients. If ingredients are stolen, the Queen and her Council are to be notified at once. Those entitled to gather such ingredients are not permitted to take more than twice what their spells need. This is to allow for error. The Queen and her Council do not want these plants decimated. However they are quite happy if plant stealing sprites are so that community should consider this a final warning.