Hold Me Now by The Thompson Twins. One for Eddie to his mum!
Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve. Bitter sweet sums up Eileen’s attitude towards the Kingdom.
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft by The Carpenters. The last thing Eileen or Jenny want to do! Eileen especially has seen enough strange beings to last her several lifetimes.
It Takes Two by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Tyrelle. One for Eileen/Derek and Jenny/Paul.
Killer Queen by Queen. Obviously applies to Roxannadrell when she kills the Witch. Can also apply to the Witch when she briefly takes over the realm.
The Lady is a Tramp by Frank Sinatra. What the Queen thinks of Eileen for falling for a mere human!
My Way by Frank Sinatra. An obvious one for Eileen, possibly too obvious. One she’d enjoy on the quiet because of that.
Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys. Ignoring the obvious sexual links here for Eileen and Jenny with their spouses, it can apply to the women and the fairy squad when detecting spells cast and those responsible for them. Pity there isn’t a song called Bad Vibrations for when they’ve discovered the Witch has been busy!
Riders of (in?) the Storm by The Doors. Eileen not only rides the storm, she causes them. Also the squad ride out the storms thrown at them by events in the Kingdom.
Accidents Will Happen by Elvis Costello - especially when set up. One for the Witch, Eileen (when in a strop) and Brankaresh (given his murders).
Rain on Your Parade by Duffy. Something Eileen’s not ashamed to do but it equally applies to the Queen who wants to rain on Jenny’s and Eileen’s parades permanently by getting them back to the realm.
Shout by Lulu. Something Jenny wants to do a lot thanks to her mother and the Queen.
You Keep Me Hanging On by Diana Ross and the Supremes, also I think Kim Wilde later. What the Queen’s trying to do to Eileen and Jenny. Will she ever be prepared to let them go?
How Long Has This Been Going On? By Ace. Queen asks Eileen this before defection announcement.
It Started with a Kiss by Hot Chocolate. Joint anthem for Eileen/Derek and Jenny/Paul.
You Spin Me Round by Dead and Alive. Something sung at Eileen, mainly by Derek, but also by Queen.