Live your life in such a way you don’t go out of your way to offend. That in itself increases your chances of survival significantly. Being useful to those in government is also a good way to survive. Make sure you take magical self defence classes too. Don’t cross Eileen. Her sense of justice is to turn people into toads, let them keep their minds so they know what’s happened to them, and then dump them in the middle of a heron colony. Nice! And she is far more liberal than her ancestors ever were.
Knowing Where You Are
Know where you’re going. Never travel alone. Always have your “ticket” on you. All good stuff for travelling on the Underground back home and absolutely vital here. On coming across tourist landmark do follow the route shown (unless you have reason to suspect the route has been tampered with in which case a powerful spell should get you of trouble.
Food and Drink
Be wary of the local water as it is not unknown for it to be tampered with. A quick spell will reveal whether the most popular poisons are involved or if the water really is as clear as it looks. Always check out that any food offered to you really is food and not a disguised curse. Learn to cook Kingdom foods so you know what’s correct and what isn’t. Learn to look for clues magic may have been used in the presence of the food you’re about to eat (magic leaves dust trails). If you find any such clues, don’t eat what you’ve been offered (it usually pays to pretend you’re not feeling well at this point!).