You will practice the specific magical talent granted to your particular species on a day and time laid down by your group’s leaders. Twice a year the magical groups will hold a gathering where the Queen and her Council can see that this practice is clearly being carried out.
You will not use magic for fighting unless the Kingdom is at war. If there are disputes between groups, these should be resolved by discussion overseen by the Queen and her Council. Nobody wants a return to the land being made barren by having too much magic thrown at it, do they?
Do not inflict magic upon others unless you are prepared for them or their kind to do the same or worse to you. And they will.
Do not betray the existence of the Fairy Kingdom. You know what humans are like for colonizing other places. We do not want that to happen here. They will only try to harnass magical power for their own uses. And that scene would end in tears.
You will revise your specialist magic at least once a day. Never forget!
You will service all magical equipment at least once a week. This includes keeping your spell books in tip top condition. In this modern age there is no excuse for getting candlewax on your precious manuscripts. Use a torch!
Each species group will have its own in house competitions so it can practice its skills and “let off steam” in a way that must be harmless to all in the vicinity including the environment. The Queen and her Council take a very dim view on anyone harming the environment. Though sprites are welcome to blast each other to the next world should they insist and make sure they don’t take anyone else out with them.
You will not use magic for fighting unless the Kingdom is at war. If there are disputes between groups, these should be resolved by discussion overseen by the Queen and her Council. Nobody wants a return to the land being made barren by having too much magic thrown at it, do they?
Do not inflict magic upon others unless you are prepared for them or their kind to do the same or worse to you. And they will.
Do not betray the existence of the Fairy Kingdom. You know what humans are like for colonizing other places. We do not want that to happen here. They will only try to harnass magical power for their own uses. And that scene would end in tears.
You will revise your specialist magic at least once a day. Never forget!
You will service all magical equipment at least once a week. This includes keeping your spell books in tip top condition. In this modern age there is no excuse for getting candlewax on your precious manuscripts. Use a torch!
Each species group will have its own in house competitions so it can practice its skills and “let off steam” in a way that must be harmless to all in the vicinity including the environment. The Queen and her Council take a very dim view on anyone harming the environment. Though sprites are welcome to blast each other to the next world should they insist and make sure they don’t take anyone else out with them.