Also listing said likes and dislikes can help enormously when outlining. You should get a much clearer picture of who your characters are and what really drives them in just listing these things. In the magical world, there is generally a massive dislike of human interference (which is understandable. What we would do with such powers, given what we have done to our own planet and indeed to each other especially in times of war, is something that could be the stuff of nightmares). In your created worlds, what are the common things most people/alien beings/even dodgy wizards like/dislike? How was this consensus reached or was it forced on people?
Even relatively trivial likes and dislikes can tell you something about a character. A character who loathes broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage but can eat sweetcorn all day long if allowed to do so shows someone who can be picky (and who clearly has a problem with members of the brassica family!). This could be exploited for comic effect or be used against them. (An enemy poisons the sweetcorn supply possibly!).