Always buy your magical equipment from a reliable source.
You don’t want your wand to go kaput half way through a spell trying to protect yourself from the local marauding dragon.
If an old lady appears from nowhere and offers you fruit, a helpful spell or a map,
it’s time to leg it as these “gifts” will get you poisoned, cursed or sent on a quest where certain death awaits you.
Never show off your magical skills unless you are absolutely certain of the identity of the person
you intend to boast to as imposture is a common enough occurrence here.
If you decide this tip is wrong, on your head be it, literally.
Make sure you know who the most powerful beings are in any magical world before you sound your mouth off
about the dreadful way in which the place is run. Those in charge tend to be sensitive little flowers
when it comes to criticism and dole out punishment that is anything but sensitive!