There is competitiveness between the wizards firstly to get the position of Chief Wizard and, secondly, to better one’s rivals as the more spells the Queen brings into daily use the quicker the promotion for the wizard concerned. The Queen also rewards wizards by bestowing extra magical powers. Some of these are granted on a license for a short period of time, others are permanent. All of them are expected to be used to encourage the wizard’s professional development.
There isn’t yet a professional body to monitor conduct (though after Brankaresh’s treachery there is no doubt the wizarding community could do with one. The one problem would be they’d never agree on who would run such a body).
Witches and wizards tend to meet together in small groups every now and again. The Chief Witch inherited her title from her family, a branch of the fairy royals thanks to Gwendolyn’s indiscretion by marrying a wizard, having a child by him and then dumping both of them. Nobody except Gwendolyn herself was surprised when the two defected to the dark side. Gwendolyn because she had moved on had assumed they would move on too. Sadly for the realm she was wrong. This one incident alone triggered another civil war.
The Chief Wizard, however, has to work his way up the ladder and earn the respect of his peers, so they’re happy for him to take the title. This, however, can be abused. Brankaresh used murder, intimidation and fear to work his way to the position. Though even he could not be blatant about it. The crucial thing was not to draw his nefarious business to the attention of the Queen. In that sadly he succeeded as she was taken in by his charm, unlike the cynical Eileen. But then in her line fighting foul magical creatures, Eileen knows to always ask questions, especially the awkward ones. That habit has helped keep her alive.