If you come across something saying “Eat me” or “Drink me”, don’t. You’ve got no idea what may be in these things. And we’ve had problems with greedy kids before who down everything they come across. The White Rabbit got off lightly.
Remember none of us can help how we’re made so no taking the mickey out of the “differently handsome”. Trolls don’t usually “do” humour unless it is to stuff the head of someone who offended them into a part of the body it was not meant to go into. They find that hilarious. You won’t.
Be wary of anyone who arranges for white roses to be painted red. There’s conclusive proof of an outside ego in action and it would probably pay for you not to be in the way of it.
In the magical world, very little really is as it seems so keep your wits about you. Though in common with our world, if something seems too good to be true, it is.