You will only engage in conversation with alien species with full clearance obtained well in advance from the Queen and her Council and you will disguise yourself well enough to cover up any hint you’re the one from an alien world. You will also note the species’ emotions (what they’re allowed to show - this should become apparent in their behaviour towards you), how they dress and so on. Also whether there is a purpose in the way in which they do things.
Ideally the more experienced agents will spend some time living with these aliens as one of them as that would give the realm the information it needs so it can defend itself against this new species if necessary and if not still know what it needs to know.
If you’re unlucky enough to be seconded to a world which seems to be more magically powerful than we are, find out as many details as possible without endangering yourself and then get the hell out of there. The Queen and her Council will decide on the appropriate course of action after that. You are not under any circumstances to try to set up a trade deal. That is strictly for the fairy government to do. We want to make sure we get the right price for one thing.
If your cover is blown, get out of the world in question immediately. The Queen and her Council will investigate that world further - if necessary from a great distance.
Nobody is to report anything they see on other worlds to FNN without prior clearance from the Queen and her Council. Roherum gossips enough as it is...