Did Cinderella discover her Prince Charming wasn't quite so charming after all? Even if everything was fine there, did she regret never being able to move freely in public without escort again?
Did Sleeping Beauty regret being woken up knowing she really would have to face life with all its heartaches again? (Life is much simpler when you're asleep!).
Did the Three Bears swear never to leave their house again after the Goldilocks invasion (and wasn't that girl a vandal, greedy, and an absolute pest)? Am only surprised they didn't tear her limb from limb).
So if your characters are finding things aren't quite as rosy as they'd hoped for, what do they do to try to rectify things? There could be some great stories there.
In the meantime, here's me running a flash fiction workshop for the Southampton Writers' Circle. A good time was had by all. Many thanks to Geoff Parkes for his kind permission to share the picture.