Regardless of what species you are, those of you that need ingredients for your spells will always use the best quality available and make sure they are responsibly sourced. Shabby ingredients equals shabby results. Kill all the sources of ingredients and you have a long term problem. Those of an evil disposition will be aware that the Queen and her Council can have a good guess at what spells you will use given there are only so many magical ingredients available to anyone. The Queen and her Council reserve the right to magical self defence. Those of an evil disposition would be better off changing their opinion.
Keeping Specialist Skills updated
Those in direct service to the Queen and her Council will keep their specialist skills up to date at all times. They will prove their prowess with these skills at times to suit the Queen and her Council. It is expected that time to practice these skills will be taken outside of any Council or other official duties due to be carried out by those affected by this ruling. In other words, no skiving off to get your practice in! If the Queen and her Council feel more practice sessions are needed, this will be accepted without argument but you can be assured they will not ask for these without due cause. They are not in the business of winding people up. That gets left to the sprites.
Magical Creatures
Magical creatures are not to be harmed. They each come with their own curse and the Queen has no wish to spend the rest of her reign trying to restore those foolish folk who ignored this advice (well those where there’s enough left to attempt to restore them anyway). Those of an evil disposition who use these creatures for their foul purposes are unlikely to read these rules yet alone obey them. They deserve everything they’ve got coming. The Queen and her Council hope they get a decent ringside seat to watch poetic justice being handed out. The Queen is always keen to pick up hints on how to improve her own magical skills.
Survival of the Fittest
The humans have a phrase “survival of the fittest”. Not only is that true in the magical realm, it is equally valid to say the fastest will survive. So therefore all magical beings in the direct service of the Queen and her Council will practice firing spells at targets, drawing wands (or staffs) at speed and be ready at any time to demonstrate that practice has been carried out. The Queen and her Council are experienced enough to be able to tell when “revision” of this nature has been carried out. Also all magical beings will be responsible to their species’ leader and be able to demonstate regular practice is being carried out to them too.