The Council is appointed by the Queen but she sounds out each species for recommendations first. Usually there are one or two candidates deemed worthy enough by their own kind to serve on the Council and those then get interviewed several times by village elders and so on before only one name is put forward to the monarch. Village elders can and are influenced by the feelings, usually voiced loudly, by their own people.
FNN would dearly love to influence things here as they’ve seen the media do on earth but absolutely nobody in the Kingdom will tolerate that. FNN is there to report facts, not opinions, the only exception being Roherum’s This Week’s Royal Gossip Show as it is felt okay to tittle tattle and giggle over the royals and their indiscretions. Understandably the royals are not fans of this show.
Eileen, on earth, does like programmes such as Question Time because although it is a talking shop, she can see the point of giving people a forum like that. In the Kingdom, with no forum in the offing, people would take to the streets.