In this case the Kingdom has an awful lot in common with Earth! Fresdian (who later changes her name to a plant friendly Rose) is the Kingdom's spokeswoman on environmental concerns and almost everyone from the Queen to the lowliest sprite in the realm think the fairy godmother is "bonkers". This is because Fresdian is out in all weathers, can find something nice to say about almost all forms of life (magical, non-magical, plants, animals etc). Fresdian would also like magic used, in sensible amounts, to restore damage done to the realm where possible but knows she's fighting a one-fairy campaign here. Nobody else wants to use magic, especially their own magic, for something that's not going to directly benefit them. Characters like Fresdian are often the "prophet in the wilderness" and I thought it appropriate to have a character like her in the realm. She also makes a nice balance to the fighting-all-evil Eileen and the too-busy-with-the-concerns-of-her-realm Fairy Queen.
Yet the Kingdom condemns humanity for its war like nature and attitude towards our planet.
Hypocrisy is yet to be made a crime anywhere. It certainly hasn't been in my take on the magical world. From my viewpoint, hypocritical characters/situations are huge fun to write for/about. And there is a lot of humbug about when it comes to taking care of our world. Given one of things I love about fantasy and science fiction is the capacity to invent worlds and world systems, well it would be odd to say the least if there wasn't at least one other hypocritical government out there somewhere.