Planning meetings at FNN are dull too to all except Roherum who leads them and insists on thinking he’s fascinating his listeners/viewers. FNN is dominated by programmes Roherum thinks the people want. To his colleagues’ annoyance, he is usually right.
Though the Queen could do without This Week’s Royal Gossip Show. Sadly for her it’s FNN second top rated programme after their main news bulletin. Whilst it’s not impossible for her to have this removed, she is well aware how unpopular it would make her. The villages and towns have their own meetings to settle issues but it’s always done over drinks and picnics so at least these are more fun!
There are staff meetings at the Palace too which are usually held quarterly and run by the Lord Chamberlain or, if he is busy, the Head Housekeeper. Royal staff are meant to bring any problems they have to these meetings so the issues can be resolved. Nobody has yet done so. Nobody wants to admit to having problems (and on the plus side it speeds the meetings up no end too).