What is the climate like on your fantasy/sci-fi world? Have the residents wrecked it? I’ve shown parts of the Fairy Kingdom made barren by having too much magic thrown at them during the magical wars. How do your characters cope with adverse conditions, adversity in general? Has the climate shaped your world in terms of geography, history, politics etc (in Britain’s case being an island has helped it in battle if only by getting us to be really good at seamanship)?
What happens to those who damage, deliberately or otherwise, your world’s environment or does nobody care? Have you got a mental image of what your world is like? I’ve based mine partly on Scotland (!), red rocky areas (Mars!) and part of it has rings around it (Saturn!!!). Magical attitudes to wildlife in my Fairy Kingdom are ambivalent - nobody’s that keen on dragons - but equally Eileen’s been keen to ensure harmless species aren’t wiped out because the sprites get hysterical. So what is the prevalent attitude in your world? What is your environment like?
I’ve hinted at the Kingdom’s history and how it’s effected the landscapes of the realm in that magical wars have made parts of it barren. That in turn has led to overcrowding in certain areas and the sprite attitude to reproduction (just get on with it basically!) causes a great deal of resentment amongst other species. One problem leads to another and in turn another and makes your world seem more lifelike… The trick is to get a good enough problem to trigger consequences you can write about. I hope at some point to write more about the realm’s past but a sketch like this has got my world up and running.