There are other magazines. Fresdian subscribes to and writes for the wildlife ones. These tend to divide into flora and fauna rather than combine the two into one big magazine. History magazines are written by the elves who have taken it upon themselves to write up the realm's history in a way the populace at large will understand. The elves do not understand that their attitude here has given cause to everyone else thinking them pompous, with their long elegant noses stuck right up their... antiquated documents.
The more popular history magazines are written by the dwarves but they will focus on the huge battles that they won. Naturally these magazines do not sell well in troll and elve communities. In fairness the dwarves are accurate in their portrayals but the realm is crying out for someone to write the history clearly, concisely and without concern for offending their own or other species. The Queen is not worried about this - she sees that as she holds the official records anyway, why worry, but the likes of L'Evallier would like to see a proper and popular record available for the general public. He also thinks it a good idea to encourage reading rather than have the realm just watch Roherum's broadcasts.