Remember that everyone will be looking out for cheats so it is best to assume you will be caught out by one of the Queen's Council and/or Eileen. If caught by the latter, you will never hear the end of it before you then face obliteration. Indeed it's quite likely you'll be pleading for the end to come. Eileen can go on at some length and does.
All magical groups are expected to vote regularly on their leader. Elections should be held every two years. All voting is seen to be fair and free. No magic will be allowed to be used in these elections. Any candidate using magic to aid their cause will be disqualified at once. Given there are 22 differieng magical species, the elections will be split equally so that 11 groups vote at a time. FNN is not allowed to interfere in the elctions though they can report theresults. Nobody in the Kingdom is going to be bored out of their skulls with endless political programming. Other worlds would do well to take the same tack.