The Kingdom was and still is not above taking short cuts. If another world has an idea it likes, it pinches it and renames it. Sometimes it's a direct lift (fairyvision for example being an obvious lift from television), othertimes it becomes an adaptation (gardening techniques are applied to magical gardens where the plants can and do talk back telling their keepers exactly what they need in terms of feed, water, soil etc, so there is no danger of overwatering or underwatering for example).
The Kingdom cannot physically expand further. Its dimensions are fixed. Every part of the realm has been lived in at some point though due to magical wars making certain areas barren that is no longer the case. Eileen feels the more responsible magical beings should be allowed to live, suitably disguised, on other worlds, to create more space in the Kingdom itself for those who could not/should not live elsewhere but the Queen and Council jointly shouted this down and even Eileen knew when she was beaten. She didn't like it but she did know.