Just about. Ironically one of the few areas where I agreed with the Queen was on the talking animal experiment. Wildlife really are not here for our amusement. Having said that, Greyfur, the squirrel, is often very witty and Podgy gives me all the gossip from the bird world. Their sex lives are quite steamy apparently! Above all, the wildlife act as an early warning system something unwelcome is coming through from another dimension and I will be eternally grateful to them for that.
As a half-magical being, what do you find your limitations are? Can you only do half the spells or each spell at half strength?
One big limitation is being written off due to being half of anything! I am me, Jenny Williams, my own person etcera etcera. For the record, I’ve had no trouble with any of the spells I’ve learned. Bear in mind on Earth mongrel creatures, like cross breed dogs, are usually far healthier than their pedigree colleagues. So don’t write off half beings. I know the Queen has voiced the view I will only be able to take in half as many spells at full strength but I’m not sure if this is a canny way to get me to prove her wrong so I learn more magic so I’m playing safe and ignoring this. I will learn magic in a way that I find compatible.