We have always tried to act justly, regardless of what Eileen or other troublemakers might claim. We had had ample opportunity to “bump off” the Witch and did not do so. We killed her in combat. Yes we know you will say Eileen set up Brankaresh and the Witch knowing both would meet their fate at our hands but remember that unscrupulous pair would have had no hesitation in killing us and unpleasantly at that. We do regret the Witch’s killing a little for Eileen’s sake given they were close as children. The Witch was a fool. She should have listened to Eileen urging her not to go for the throne. We can only hope others will be deterred from rebellion by our tough stance.
There have been rumours there is a direct link between the Palace and FNN and that news items have been broadcast without the Council’s prior knowledge. Is there truth to these rumours?
There are always troublemakers stirring up problems for Heads of State. Yes, we have given information directly to FNN, mainly to save time and on issues where there is no controversy. Indeed on occasion the Council have been grateful to us for speeding the process up and sparing them having to sit through drafting a statement when we can do so alone and issue it without there being any consequences. We would not do anything deliberately to endanger our Kingdom, our Council, our people or ourselves and beyond that we will say no more on this topic.