I resent the implication I’m lazy and moan a lot. Mother should have been upfront about what she is and what that makes me. Having time to get used to the idea would have been enormously helpful. And I have had my life turned upside down and shaken up. Mother would’ve known I needed time to adjust. She should’ve anticipated my reaction. I do use magic as I see fit uncomplainingly now but it is to help and protect Eddie and I mainly.
Do you plan to tell your child, Edward, about the magical world? Have you found out what his skills are yet?
At some stage I will tell Eddie all I found out. He won’t find out the way I did. But I am going to put this off until he’s been in school for a couple of years. He should have every opportunity to do well with and without magic. I know Eddie can obliterate daisies just by pointing his finger at them. He has not produced much magic and since the daisy episode none at all. That kind of incident is a bit hard to explain away at playgroup. Eddie will be encouraged to use his magic wisely once he’s old enough to understand he must be really, really careful with it. Oh and that it doesn't really matter what world you're on but it's always a good idea to be discreet with special powers. It never pays to show them off. People get twitchy (and violent) about that kind of thing. There's always someone out there keen to take those powers away from you or neutralize them and you. I don't want that happening to my son or myself. My mother has proven well capable of fending for herself.