Yes but I would have to have cast iron guarantees that I would be going back home again. Given the Queen kidnapped me, my wariness here should be understood. Whilst prepared to get to know the place and its people, you should be aware that doesn’t mean I’ll suddenly want to desert my own people and/or planet. I would not take Edward. The magical world is dangerous and no place for a child. Ask Harry Potter! I would take Edward later once most, if not all, dangers are dealt with.
You unwittingly reassured the Kingdom by being so against being in succession to the throne (there’s nothing anyone can do about that). Does the thought of being royal really not hold any appeal? Can’t you use the position to your advantage, the way your mother has always done?
I’m happy being human. I don’t need to be royal. I can see the downside of being on call all the time and very much on display. I concede there might be some advantages I could use but there are disadvantages in being compared to Mother. She’s a killer for one thing, yes I know in defence, but all the same. I would rather be left alone to live my life in peace with my loved ones. I thought it was what Mother wanted too when she defected. I don’t need status.