Of course not! I’m against magic, not those who have to live with it and use it. I’m against magic because all it has ever done for me is endanger me and/or my loved ones. Trust me, that’s enough to get anyone’s goat and no, Roherum, you can look up the meaning of that phrase for yourself. I’m not telling you everything. I would remind you also that the Kingdom has been vehemently anti-human, which Mother tells me has a lot to do with your past and which funnily enough I can understand, but as you can see it’s not one-way traffic here, is it?
What hobbies do you enjoy on Earth? Are there any hobbies you think you could take up were you to live permanently in the magical world?
I love reading, photography (digital), visiting historic buildings and humorous fantasy. I only wish I had more time to enjoy these things but know full well the one wish no magical being can grant themselves is to tamper with the nature of time. I can see the point of that, it means history cannot be rewritten, but it can be frustrating that I can’t even use my magic to give me a bit of extra free time. Sure I can blast dragons and foul fiends to the next world but that’s not really what I want to be doing! There’s no way I’d live permanently in your world, Roherum, but had I no choice, I think I would focus on becoming a top notch flyer.
If you could interview anyone in history who would it be?
Lazarus! Given what Mother’s dropped me in, I’d like to interview Queen Gwendolyn and ask her why she was such an idiot bringing humans into her world because she set the precedent her dodgy descendant is following now. The only difference is Roxannadrell uses kidnapping instead. Had Gwendolyn any idea at all of what she might be unleashing?
What is the single thing you regret most?
Ever discovering Wes and Stan in my loft! Ever listening to that bloody pigeon telling me to look in my loft. When I first heard odd things talking to me, I should’ve suggested to Paul we move right away at once.
What would you say was your greatest strength?
The ability to face up to things without becoming hysterical, which is just as well given what Mother came out with! I have a strong sense of justice and fair play too. I know Mother would say she has that too but unlike her I go out of my way not to drop people in it. And before you ask me, Roherum, if I’m feeling a bit miffed with Mother still, well too right I am!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I admit I do have a tendency to whinge (I’m usually stressed out when I do) so that could go. I’d really love to just be an ordinary human being. I can live without the magical world and I know damn well they can equally live just as well without me. I’d like more time as I always seem to be rushing around. I’d like to slow down a bit, without using magic.
What would you say was your finest achievement?
Surviving the ogre of despair and the dragon that decided I would make a fine mate for it! There is something truly scary about encountering a creature known for killing and finding it doesn’t want to kill you, it has sex on its mind! I hope I never face anything as horrid as that again!
Have you ever misused magic?
No! It’s fairer to say magic is guilty of misusing me given all it’s ever done is endanger me! I wouldn’t dream of misusing magic by the way. It’d be like trying to meddle with a bomb. You just know there’s going to be trouble of the nasty kind.
Will you be upfront with Edward, when he is older, about his magical heritage? Or will you try to suppress his instinctive skills as Eileen did with you? Now you’re a mother, do you have more sympathy with what Eileen tried to do here?
It’s not for you to tell me how to bring up my own son but I will say I will always act in his best interests. I can understand now why Mother did what she did but I’m still not convinced it was the best thing to do. Mother shouldn’t have defected or made absolutely sure she did such a good job of it, there would be no chance of her past catching up with her. I haven’t decided how to broach this with Edward when he is a suitable age but I do know I must decide.