But in a magical world, there will be at least one more sense than mere humans enjoy. There should be at least one extra sense - a magical sense. Your characters should be able to detect when magic has been used/is around in the atmosphere. I don't see how they could survive in a magical environment without that ability.
I wouldn't be surprised if your characters have several extra senses, some of these being in common with all who live in/on/under/above their world. Other senses of course could have been developed by the more "superior" magical species. And a villain could use either their extra sensory abilities to try to tip the balance of success in their favour and/or undermine enemies by reducing/attacking their senses so they are not as alert/magically powerful as they would normally be.
So how many senses do your characters have and how do they make good use of them? Did senses develop as the world of your characters evolved? And how does the use of senses, magical or otherwise, get your characters into trouble or get them right out of said trouble?