Hanastrew also sees the point of the media in a way her mentor, Eileen, did not. (The latter just saw them as over-curious pests. Hanastrew accepts the media is meant to be like that but her role is to direct that inquisitiveness in such a way it benefits the squad).
Roherum, on the other hand, dreads interviews with Hanastrew. She is far too intelligent for him to be comfortable with, can and does see straight through him (which he loathes), and is quite capable of coming out with one liners that make him feel and look foolish. His great rival, the weatherman, always enjoys any interviews with Hanastrew on those grounds alone.
So some of Hanastrew's finest moments are:-
- Telling Roherum he was an idiot for asking her whether she looked forward to her dragon fighting missions. Nobody looks forward to fighting a dragon and that should be obvious to anyone with more than one brain cell. The fact it was not obvious to Roherum tells Hanastrew just how many brain cells the journalist has! This clip is often replayed on the viewer's Favourite Fairyvision Moments Show. Roherum suspects most of the votes for this come in from the weatherman but has never been able to prove it.
- Outlining in great detail why the Witch is evil. Hanastrew's manner was one of someone trying to patiently explain something to a toddler. Roherum did not like this for some reason!