My biggest problem at the moment is striking the right balance between promoting, writing new material (including for my blogs and websites), getting on with the next book etc. I know I will find the right balance eventually - every published author finds the right way of doing things for them. All I know is I haven't quite got there yet!
How do your characters strike the right balance between the various things they have to do/people they must keep happy somehow in your stories? Do they ever get it right? Who/what do they prioritise and why? Do they go AWOL from one particular thing to do when they have to focus on something else for a while? What is the comeback on that (and there will be some!)?
How do your characters cope when their lives become more hectic than they have previously been used to and how do they adjust to their new circumstances? Is their natural instinct to sink or swim? Who is putting the pressure on your characters and why? (The reasons should be really strong and pivotal to your story).