The underlying theme is that magic is generally good, it is not the fault of magic itself if it is misused by some witch or wizard with an attitude problem.
It is also pointed out that magic in itself does not kill people, it is the witch, wizard or fairy using it that does this. This does not cut much ice with victims of magic, especially those who can no longer speak about what happened to them.
This does not necessarily mean they died but the Fairy Kingdom does have a very healthy and growing amphibian population, not all of which started life as amphibians.
Further publications include:-
- Natural Power. This is considered a serious study of the use of magic, which is natural power here.
- The Best Way to Treat Non-Magical Species. Sounds helpful but isn't. Takes a hard line. Basically if non-magical species don't toe the line, zap them. Very right wing. Sadly hugely popular amongst all magical species in the realm. Eileen and Hanastrew hate it and refuse to read it or appear in it in any form. When the monthly magazine published pictures of Eileen at work killing a dragon, Eileen threatened to sue if these were not withdrawn. She did not want to be associated with this magazine at all and has urged the Queen to take the same line. So far Roxannadrell has not.
- Classic Nursery Rhymes. Everyone, simply everyone has a copy of this and had this read to them when they were very small. Beautifully illustrated book.