Nobody is at all surprised when Eileen doesn’t want to return and the Queen’s idea to contain Eileen fails. Eileen finds the species and status restrictions unjust, though she benefits from her own high rank. Eileen is the nearest thing the Kingdom’s had for a revolutionary and nobody is very comfortable about it given how close she is to the Fairy Kingdom throne, including Eileen herself.
The Kingdom, whilst despising humanity for its warlike, greedy attitude to say nothing of its pollution of Earth, is more than happy to pinch what it considers to be good ideas. Fairy-vision is an example of this though the jury is still out as to whether bringing television to a magical world, any world come to that, is all it’s cracked out to be. Alcohol is the other big import and the Queen imbibes very happily, too much so at times as far as Eileen’s concerned.
The Queen also loves earth food and sees that as a harmless way of getting to know other cultures without actually having to deal with the people/beings themselves. Eileen despises that attitude for the snobbery that it is. The Queen’s Council is loosely based on the style of government Elizabeth I would have had and the Fairy Queen is vaguely aware of the similarities though disapproves. She feels each world should have its own form of government but knows the Tudor Queen couldn’t possibly have copied her here or indeed at all! The idea then that humans sometimes come up with reasonable systems of their own does not go down that well with Roxannadrell. It’s much easier to despise humanity.