Eileen defines this as a necessity! Where there’s evil about, someone needs to meddle and sort it out. This is her role.
Power Lust
A cross dimension/universe phenomenon, Eileen loathes it with every fibre of her being. Eileen sees her own power as to be used for the greater good but is very aware that this can be misused. Eileen criticizes her own actions to make sure she is on the straight and narrow. Her own massive pride would not allow her to become evil. She likes to be “better than that”. But the lack of humility drives her daughter nuts at times…
Something Eileen feels most of the magical species could do with using more often. The Queen is fond of bathing in milk (which Eileen considers a waste of gold top, naturally the monarch wouldn’t have anything else), the sprites don’t bother with soap at all and Eileen, while not sure what arrangements the dwarves and trolls have in this department, is certain it isn’t nearly adequate enough!
Jennifer’s choice in men
Abysmal! Eileen can think of at least a thousand others she’d have chosenfor her daughter before even considering Paul as a possibility. Does Jennifer care? No! And that galls her mother the most, along with knowing Jennifer gets a great deal of pleasure from knowing this.
Something you just get on and do. Eileen can’t imagine a life without work. Even in the Fairy Kingdom, you are defined by what you do.
Eileen is all for practicality, sensible thinking and logic but is also aware that for things like the arts and faith an alternative way of thinking is more appropriate. You can’t just appreciate a picture just by looking at what colours were used for example. Generally then Eileen treats realism like fire - it’s a great servant but a rotten master. This attitude brought Eileen into early conflict with Brankaresh but the fact he couldn’t argue against realism and rationality being everything annoyed him much to her great delight. As she said, sometimes you do need more than “reality”, you need more than what you can actually see with the naked eye.