One of life’s great pleasures and one which generally bypasses Eileen. While she does read a book now and again, Jenny is by far the greatest reader. Eileen tends to distrust fiction and the writers who can make things up. She wonders if this trait spills over into their “real lives”.
Eileen sympathizes with Fresdian/Rose’s attitude to the natural world and did what she could to show the magical world Fresdian was not a “nutter”. Indeed Eileen backed Fresdian up with evidence showing caring for the wildlife and environment tended to produce positive results for the realm as a whole. After all those that care for one kind of life usually tend to care for all forms of life.
Eileen sees this as welcome proof humans can actually care for one another. To develop something to cure, as opposed to killing, is for her proof humans don’t have to be destructive, polluting, war mongering. Naturally this view is not popular in the Fairy Kingdom. It’s much easier to just to be prejudiced though Eileen has told the Queen that surely the realm would not have been given a divine commission to watch Earth unless that planet and its inhabitants had at least some promise.
What Eileen deals out to those deserving it. She sees trouble as her speciality - causing it and dealing with it.